The Mission Truth International is initiating its’ mission by justifying the concepts of the earth atmosphere formation and declaring the truths behind the earth atmosphere formation through a book named as ‘Unique Phenomena’.

This book ‘Unique Phenomena’ is the initial step for justice for truth, to establish justice in the whole world for truth. This is the begining of a worldwide movement to establish justice for truth.

You can join to this movement by propagating the truths revealed in this book and following books.

You can be anybody (An individual person or group/s and organization/s either government or non-government in any field of academic, science, agriculture, commercial, industrial, administration, legal, religious- Christian, Muslim, Hindu, Ihudi, Buddhist or any other faith, media, research or any other.) and anywhere in the world, from any country and can join to this movement by propagating the truths in this book and following books.
Few major and important aspects of this book ‘Unique Phenomena’ are given below.

⇓ 1. Atmosphere formation: ⇓ The atmosphere of our earth is essential for our life. Without this atmosphere we shall all die. If in an instant the earth atmosphere is vanished our lives shall also be vanished instantly. What we eat, drink and breath all come from the atmosphere. How this atmosphere is formed? Is it true what scientists are teaching the whole world about the formation of the earth atmosphere? Not at all. To know the truth you must study this book– ‘Unique Phenomena’.For more, watch video in gallery.


⇓ 2. Oxygen: ⇓ Oxygen, the life gas, a component of the earth atmosphere is extremely essential for our life. Scientists are teaching the whole world that atmospheric oxygen build up started and developed by organic photosynthesis. Is it true? Not at all. To know why it is not true you ought to read this book– ‘Unique Phenomena’.More details in the video of the gallery.


⇓ 3. Oceanic oxygen: ⇓ Do oxygen come out of the ocean to maintain the atmospheric oxygen level or atmospherc oxygen maintain the oceanic oxygen level? Which is true? If you want to find the true answer then you have to collect this book– ‘Unique Phenomena’.


⇓ 4. Atmospheric Nitrogen: ⇓ What we breathe in that contains more than 78% nitrogen. If breathe in air do not have this amount of nitrogen then only oxygen present in air shall overact in organisms and shall cause various malfunctions and in absence of nitrogen such overaction of oxygen shall cause extreme effects resulting to death of organisms. Now the source of nitrogen existing in the air is still mysterious. No one realy knows how this amount of nitrogen arrived in the atmosphere during the initial atmosphere formation period. The first book of Mission Truth International ‘Unique Phenomana shows and justify exactly how atmospheric nitrogen build up happened in the first place. See more in vedio gallery.


⇓ 5. BIF: ⇓ Do photosynthetic oxygen produced BIF ( Banded Iron Formations) as claimed by present scientists? Not at all. So how they are formed? BIFs are abundant on our earth. To find out the answer you should be studing this book– ‘Unique Phenomena’.


⇓ 6. Coal: ⇓ Is it true that coals made from plants or plants made from coals? In reality not a single kg of coal is made from the plants. Peats are not true coal and did not poduce any true coal. Peats may be developed from plants, but coals are not made from peats. To know the truth you need to have details from this book– ‘Unique Phenomena’. Watch vedio in gallery for some more....


⇓ 7. Natural gas and oil: ⇓ Is the knowledge of the present science about the source of the Natural gas and oil true? Not at all. Why? To know the answer and the truth you must go through this book– ‘Unique Phenomena’.


⇓ 8. Objects motions: ⇓ Historical discovery : No celestial body has any motion of itself. The truth is that the earth, moon, sun, planets, stars themselves are not movng at all. All of them are actually present in their position as stand still objects. To know how they rotate or revolve you have to study this book –‘Unique Phenomena’. See more in vedio given in gallery.


⇓ 9. Universal Gravitation: ⇓ There is no existence of universal gravitation in this universe in which we live. The law of universal gravitation is not at all universal in this universe. In fact there is no gravitation as such as scientists so far teaching the whole world. To know the details you have to read this book – ‘Unique Phenomena’. Video in gallery give more information.


⇓ 10. Spacetime: ⇓ Spacetime has no existence in this universe. The concept of spacetime is an absolute misconception and misleading. How this is possible? To know the truth you have to go through this book – ‘Unique Phenomena’. See more in video gallery.


⇓ 11. Gravity: ⇓ The earth or any celestial body does not have any force of attraction known as gravity. No mass or mass object curve any space or spacetime to develope any gravity. To know the truth of how the apple fall on the earth surface you have to study this book– ‘Unique Phenomena’. See more in video gallery.


⇓ 12. Dark Energy: ⇓ Historical discovery : The mystery of dark energy is revealed/disclosed in this book – ‘Unique Phenomena’. Dark energy is no more dark, it is now bright. This energy is not repulsive at all and not purely energy, rather it is a holding matrix. See more in video gallery.


⇓ 13. Tides: ⇓ Tides on earth oceans are not at all happening due to the attraction of the Moon or the Sun. The truth is that the moon or sun does not have any attraction on the earth ocean water to cause tides. For details and how tide happens study this book– ‘Unique Phenomena’. See more in video gallery.


⇓ 14. Cyclones: ⇓ Cyclones, tornado, typhoons are the phenomena happen on this earth and scientists have some explanations about the cause of happening of such phenomena. But it appears that those explanations are not the reality. The truth behind such phenomena is something else. If you want to know that truth then you must study this book – ‘Uinque Phenomena’. See more in video gallery.


⇓ 15. Universe Boundery. ⇓ There have been disputes and debates among scientific communities about the existence of the universe boundary. Some scientists claim that there is no boundary of our universe. Whereas other scientists dispute that claim and counterclaim that there is a boundery of this universe. The issue is not resolved yet with proper justification. This book resolves this issue and if you are eager to know how then you have to collect and go through this book ‘Unique Phenomena’. See more in video gallery.


⇓ 16. White Holes: ⇓ We have heard about ‘Black Holes’, but have not heard about ‘White Holes’. What are those strange things? Well, ‘White Holes are nothing but exist in this universe and this book ‘Unique Phenomena’ claims that as truth. But the actual white hole is not the hypothetical white hole as claimed by scientists. This book also claims that not a single non-rotating black hole exists in this universe. For details collect this book ‘Unique Phenomena’ and know the truth. See more in video gallery.


The vission of Mission Truth International is that everyone who wants to know and accept the truth shall get this first of its’ offer to the world, the book ‘Unique Phenomena’. But initially only 7000 copies of this book are planned for initial distribution worldwide. Be a part of this initial distribution. To know about how to get this book click ‘CONTACT US’